A Brief Overview of Graphic Design — Tech Blogs by TechAffinity


Graphic Design is otherwise known as communication design. It takes a lot of inspiration and imagination to create visual content and share one’s thoughts and ideas to the audience.

It includes typography, images, logos, visual texts, banners, iconography, infographics and more. Some of the commonly used graphic design software are Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Canva, etc.

What are the types of graphic design?

Visual Identity Graphic Design:

When it comes to graphic design, the first thing that strikes our mind is a brand and its visual identity. Undoubtedly, it is an integral part of branding. A brand is a conduit between a user and a business/organization. So, it is very important for an entrepreneur to build their brand wisely.

Many businesses think logo creation is what brand identity is. But it isn’t. A brand’s identity should interpret the organization’s personalities, ideas, vision, emotions and more. So, you should be very careful while creating the visual identity of your business.

Examples of Visual identity

User Interface(UI) Graphic Design:

User Interface design is a process of designing the interface of a website, mobile application, etc. that delivers an easy-to-use environment to the end-user. UI consists of everything that is visible to a user and enables interaction with your business such as a screen, interactive animations, buttons, menu, etc.

While designing the interface, the developer should be more conscious about the page layout, texture, color, and animation. If your UI is effective, then the interaction time of the user with your business will be high enough.

Examples of User Interface

Packaging Graphic Design:

Almost every product in the world needs some sort of packaging. Though the primary reason is to protect the product, it doesn’t stop there. It also communicates effectively with the consumer through the package. Packaging design impacts industries like retail, food, cosmetics, etc. to a greater extent.

Many people underestimate the potential of good packaging design. But, it is one of the most effective marketing tools. Right packaging design has the power to boost the sales of your products. Hence, packaging designers require a keen understanding and top-notch problem-solving skills along with the wisdom of current trends.

Examples of Packaging design

Marketing and Advertising Graphic Design:

A lot of people thinking that marketing and advertising are the same, but that’s not true. Advertising is just a subset of marketing. Marketing includes several different things like market research, pricing strategies, advertising, sales strategy, hypothesis testing and more. The output will be more effective when marketing joins hand with advertising.

Before developing a new product, it is highly recommended to conduct market research and get opinions from the audience. After receiving the opinions for the desired sample size, perform the analysis and develop a new product. Then, a good advertising approach will skyrocket your sales.

Examples of Marketing and Advertising

Environmental Graphic Design:

Environmental design can be easily found in both public and private places like malls, parks, gardens, trade centers, offices, etc. The prime reason for using environmental design is to navigate the people to the right place via signage and visual cues.

The other reasons behind the environmental design are to guide people in reaching the places they want to visit. By doing this, the graphic designer can turn the places more memorable, accessible, and much easier to address.

Examples of Environment graphic design

Motion Graphic Design:

Motion graphic is one of the most important niches in a designer’s profession. It lies in between animation and graphic design. Motion graphics are used to convey information to the audience with texts and animated graphics.

Motion designers use visual effects, animation, and a few other computer-generated techniques to bring aesthetics to the creation. Some of the common motion graphics software is Adobe after effects, Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, etc.

Examples of Graphic Design

Publication Graphic Design:

Publication graphics is another way of interacting with an audience via public distribution such as books, magazine, newspaper, etc. Way back a few years ago, the publication was done through the traditional method but it wasn’t very efficient.

Later, digital publishing was introduced and now there is a constant aspire in digital publishing. Digital publication involves emails, newsletters, e-books, blogs and more. Publication designer should have a skill set of typography, top-notch communication, artwork, creativity, and several related pieces of stuff to create a stunning design.

Examples of publication graphic design

Originally published at https://techaffinity.com on April 22, 2019.



Tech & Marketing blogs by TechAffinity
Tech & Marketing blogs by TechAffinity

Written by Tech & Marketing blogs by TechAffinity

TechAffinity is a technology-driven custom software solutions firm delivering unrivaled solutions to companies ranging from #startups to #Fortune500.

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